How Ryan Holiday got Tim Ferriss to publish him and his meeting with the New England Patriots.

In this episode Ryan and I talk about how his book led him to meeting the Patriots. Also, I ask him what he worries about the most.

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At 29 years old, finishing his fifth book, Ryan Holiday is just getting started, S2E5

“I’m at the beginning of the first leg of the marathon”

Ryan talks about building something that is sustainable, how to organize your thoughts, and takes us inside his book writing process.

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How Ryan Holiday launched a 7 figure business with a book, S2E4

Ryan talks about how Brass Check allows him to only work on high level projects he finds fulfilling. “If I work on stuff I don’t like am I really free?”

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How Ryan Holiday got $250,000 for his first book, and what he learned from Tucker Max and Robert Greene, S2E3

Ryan talks about how publishing his first book lead him to starting a consulting company, charging his first client $500/hr. He just released his new book, Ego Is the Enemy, make sure to check it out.

Thank you to our sponsor Use coupon code: “foreverjobless” for 25% off.


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The 4-Step Process To Profitable Businesses. Episode 192

Want to launch a business? Most people who do, don’t have any sort of process to follow. So, they have no idea whether an idea is good or not, and often no idea what the first step is. Or worse, they think they have a good idea but they haven’t taken it through any sort of process to make sure, and it will end up costing them a lot of time and money if they end up being wrong.

Even a lot of people who launch a business- they don’t find out until after launching that they shouldn’t have moved forward with that idea, but they can’t tell exactly why it’s not working.

In this episode I share the four steps I go through when considering a business idea.


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My Friend Started a National Newspaper, and Failed Miserably. Episode 191

I have a friend who started a national newspaper.

In this episode I’m going to explain what he tried, why he failed, how you can avoid similar failures, and I’m also going to reveal who my friend is.

If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, or a business, make sure to listen to this first.


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