Be Patient, and Then Bet Heavy. Episode 190

Charlie Munger says you need to bet heavily when the odds are in your favor, and use resources you’ve saved up in the past. I share his full quote on the subject in this episode, and give my thoughts on what most aspiring entrepreneurs are doing instead. Many don’t realize they’re doing the exact opposite, and it’s costing them more than they think.

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Limiting Beliefs are Limiting the Possibilities of Your Life. Episode 189

Do you have limiting beliefs? If so, listen to this episode so you can erase them and start making progress towards the goals you want to achieve, and the life you get as a result of achieving them.

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The Wisdom of Life Consists in the Elimination of Non-Essentials. Episode 188

Lin Yutang’s quote is pretty profound. In my own life, I’ve noticed anytime I’ve achieved success, or happiness, it’s because I’m focused on the essential things. Getting caught up in the non-essentials causes failure, and unhappiness. In this episode I share a few examples from my own life, and explain why it’s important to only focus on the essential things.

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Your Level of Success Will Seldom Exceed Your Level of Personal Development. Episode 184

I’m always surprised how little of an effort most people put into their personal development. In this episode with Hal, he talks about his journey with personal development, and tells of a Jim Rohn quote that explains that success is something you attract by the person you become. Listen to this episode and learn what Hal did for his personal development to guarantee his success.

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Everything Happens For a Reason, But It’s Our Responsibility To Choose The Reason. Episode 182

Hal Elrod joins me to talk about his inspiring story. How he went from being clinically dead after being in a horrific car accident, to in recovery being told he couldn’t walk, and keeping a positive attitude throughout and overcoming some huge obstacles to success.

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