Thanks again for your applications, I’m finishing going through them now.

If you haven’t applied yet, you can apply here:

In case you missed the last emails, I’m going to take on a handful of students to help you set and achieve life changing 2023 goals.

For the entire year.

You’ll not only hop on a deep dive video call with me to strategize and map out your 2023, but we’ll be reviewing and mapping out each quarter together in the same fashion.

And we’ll also hop on a video call each month to help adjust your tactics and tweak strategy based on any temporary hurdles or roadblocks that come up.

I’ve been coaching 2 students in this kind of capacity over the last 2 years(both of whom renewed our coaching agreement after the first year), one of which you’ll hear from below. My plate has opened up a bit to take on a few other students as in the last 2 years I’ve been busy writing the draft for 2 books(at least one will be published in 2023) buying 300 properties, while recovering from a health issue.

If we work together you’ll also get access to the same spreadsheets I use to set and track my goals. And I’m going to open my 2023 docs for you so you can have direct access to my own personal spreadsheets live, seeing what I’m up to on a weekly basis to achieve my own goals.

Meet Paul

As mentioned in my last post about this opportunity, I wanted you to hear directly from someone who’s been working with me.

Here is Paul, who has been working with me 1 on 1 for about 2 years now:

A Few Questions I’ve Been Getting

“If I don’t have much to invest, is there a way I can still get personal coaching from you?”

No, I have limited bandwidth to take on students.

This coaching is going to be most effective for people that have already worked to put themselves in a certain situation, as I can have more impact on them than someone who’s just starting out.

But if it is a question of someone who has capital but is not used to investing in themselves, that’s an internal question.

People have been conditioned that it’s ‘good’ to spend $200k on college, an extremely low EV bet, but not to invest money in themselves to make high EV bets because it’s ‘risky’. Almost everyone who thinks like this is poor. They spend $200k on college sometimes even when they know it’s not a great bet, but don’t spend half that on themselves because they want to ‘save money’, and they wonder why they aren’t living the lives they aspire to live.

I’m a relatively frugal guy. I don’t spend much money. I had to get over the rest of my own ‘don’t spend much money’ mindset back in 2020.

I spent around $100,000 that year on some health issues I wanted to improve.

I’d been avoiding making a bigger bet on my health stuff prior to that, hoping I could fix it cheaper.

All I did was waste time in a low energy life. Any money I ‘saved’ was a stupid opportunity cost of the life I could have been living had I had more energy the years before that.

So, I didn’t want to spend $100k on health stuff.

But betting $100k in that scenario was a super +EV bet.

My energy was worth significantly more than the money to me.

I didn’t spend it, I invested it.

And that $100k investment has yielded me millions in return, because I’ve had much more energy than I would have had otherwise, which allowed me to work on things that made me money. If I’d attempted to ‘save $100k’, I would have lost millions in opportunity cost.

Not to mention another couple years of life.

“Is this similar to the Incubator where for 10 weeks you helped people start businesses from scratch?”


This is a 1 year coaching agreement.

The goal of working together is to create possibilities that may not currently exist for you. 

This may be financially.

This may be related to helping with the structuring and achieving of your goals.

This may be a perspective shift about not just money, but life.

This may be in helping you to deepen your understanding of the application of expected value(EV) to your life to improve the growth rate of your net worth and/or life satisfaction/happiness.

Often students in the past have started working with me in hopes of making more money fast, but approaching from that angle is often at a detriment to long term wealth and the ability to live your dream life.

Once you start truly optimizing for +EV decisions instead, your results are much better.

“Do I need a business to work with you?”

Not necessarily.  While the majority of the people I work with in this capacity will already have an existing business, my coaching is NOT on the optimization of the functions of a business. (conversions, funnels, operations, etc…) That is not who this is for. 

This is a great fit for either those that have a business, or have some capital built up, as with either of those a perspective shift that helps someone think more optimally about their current bets in terms of EV, can often make a quick and/or significant change for them. 

But a business in itself is not the variable.

Those I can help make a significant shift with comes from a relatively unique perspective in which I see the world, my help with decision making, and/or help with the structure and achievement of goals.

Often when I’ve taken on students in this capacity, they’ve come in feeling like they have their goals structured and just needed my help in achieving them, and on our first call together once we applied EV to their desired net worth and longer term life, they saw that it would be mathematically unlikely, or even impossible to live their desired life. So we had to scrap their current gameplan because it blocked the ability to get them where they wanted to go.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”

If you asked me to describe this coaching in one sentence, I’d say it’s like a metal detector for your dream life.

If we can’t find it with your current plan or situation, we’ll seek out a new beach.

Once we know we’re on the right beach, we’ll work on strategy and decision making.

Many spend the bulk of their life on the wrong beach(the wrong bets) and wonder why they never find what they wanted.

The goal is NOT to just achieve random goals in a quick time frame.

The goal is to get you to the life you want. 

The tactics I use to help you do this are:

  • A unique, unbiased perspective
  • Decision making
  • Goal setting and goal achievement structure
  • In depth application of EV to your specific life

I don’t think like others, and neither will you after we’re done working together.

Applications Closing

I’m going to close applications by Saturday at noon(12:00pm) central time, as I need to finalize invitations. So, if you’d like to apply, applications will close then:

In a few days a number of you will receive invitations for the opportunity to work together.

The spots are likely to go fast, so make sure to keep an eye out for an email from me if you’d like to participate.

If you want to work together and haven’t filled out your application yet, here is the link:
